WARNING - This site is for adults only!
This web site contains sexually explicit material:


News With 'news' TAG

Happy Holidays!



Hey Everyone, I hope you are all gearing up for a fun and safe holiday over the next couple of weeks. I met this girl who works at Hooters who said she was down to do photo shoots, but not porn. Since I will take what I can get, I did the photo shoot of her and am releasing it as a bonus update. It is not taking the place of a regular update. There will still be the regular scheduled update next week :) Remember, you can always send in sexy pictures of girls in uniform if you want them posted here!

Photo update



Hey Members, I was fucking around with Davina and took some sexy pictures and wanted to try and post them to the site for you. I am not sure how it will work without a video so I am testing it out this coming Tuesday. This will not take the place of, or affect, the normal updates. This will be a bonus update.

Gym update this week

For all of you gym goers out there, and all of you gym voyeurs out there, we all are thinking the same thing. Damn! When a bad bitch walks in with a bright colored tank top and sexy yoga pants or booty shorts, our brain immediately sends a signal to our cock saying "wake up motherfucker, this is what we have been talking about!". So when I was in Salt Lake filming Siren, I decided to follow her to the hotel gym. It was really just so I could jack off to it later, but fuck it, why spruce it up a bit and put it on the website for everyone?! This update is hot, it follows Siren through some workouts, but gets cut a little short because someone walked into the gym while I was filming her ass on the elliptical machine. Then Siren goes back to the room to freshen up in the shower and decides to have a little anal action with herself.

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